London North Western
Midland Junction Railway
LMS Route: Rugby to Wolverhampton
Tile Hill Station: lnwrth712
Looking towards the station in the direction of Birmingham
from the goods yard with the British Railways built waiting room on the up
platform. Tile Hill's signal box was constructed at a higher elevation than
normal and cantilevered outwards over the up track to allow the signalman or
'bobby' a better view of the line past the L&BR station building. On the
left is the short head shunt which doubled as the siding where the cattle dock
was located. Tile Hill station was my local train spotting haunt and I have
fond memories of the time I spent here as young lad. The 'bobby' was very
friendly and often allowed us to visit him in the box. One memory in particular
registers when I look at this photograph and that was seeing the swarf from
local engineering factories being tipped from lorries into steel open wagons
that stood in the siding of the old cattle dock.