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LMS Route: Evesham to Birmingham

Lifford Station Junction: mr_lif497

Looking towards Camp Hill and Birmingham with Lifford Station Junction signal box on the right

Looking towards Camp Hill and Birmingham with the junction on the left and Lifford Station Junction signal box on the right on 22nd May 1955. The bracket signal beyond the signal box was to control access to Lifford Curve whereas the lower quadrant signal in front of the signal box controlled access for trains requiring to enter Lifford Station's good yard. This signal looks out of place because the arm is on this side of the post (the arm was always displayed on the side of the post nearest the locomotive) yet normally the post would be on the left of the up line. The reason being was that Lifford Curve's location compelled traffic from Camp Hill travelling on the down line for Lifford Station's goods yard had to travel further past the yard than would normally be the case and therefore reverse back across a busy junction in addition to the up main line.
