London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

LMS Route: Birmingham West Suburban Railway
Bournville Shed: mrb12
Midland Railway 3F 0-6-0 No 3454 was parked in a siding at
Bournville on Sunday 9th April 1922. The engine has coal in the tender and is
probably awaiting further use. The telegraph pole behind it suggests strongly
that it was on the short spur beside one of the shed's two coal stacks. The
pole can be seen in a similar view taken in 1935. The spur can be seen on the
shed plan of 1939. Both are shown in a photograph taken in 1957. The unusual
surface in the foreground is probably the base of the empty stack. The engine
was built with a small 'B' type boiler and Johnson cab in 1894 by Dubs &
Company of Glasgow. It entered service as Midland Railway 'J2' class No 2177
and was upgraded to 3F in 1907 when it was rebuilt with the large Deeley 'H'
type round topped boiler.
A new improved cab was also fitted to No 2177 before being
returned to service as No 3454, the number allocated in the 1907 renumbering
scheme. The engine was rebuilt a second time in 1920 with a 'G7' Belpaire
boiler and further improved cab. This is the form seen in the photograph, taken
about two years after the rebuild, and is the final standard form of the 3F
apart from changes to boiler mountings like the chimney. No 3454 was not
renumbered by the LMSR, but became British Railways No 43454 in June 1948. It
was withdrawn from Bedford shed in February 1955 and then scrapped at
John Dews
