London North Western
Midland Junction Railway
LMS Route: Birmingham West Suburban Railway
Bournville Shed: mrb480
Bournville shed and coaling stage photographed in September
1936. The coaling stage and its embankment are prominent on the left. One of
the shed's two water cranes can be seen nearby, close to a yard light. There
are at least four other yard lights in view.The three roads to the right of the
embankment all converge to give access to the roundhouse. The wagons to their
right are on a dead end siding serving the ash bins. The home signal to the
right of them controlled an exit from the yard. Above and slightly to the left
is the water tank, high on its brick base at the rear of the shed. One would
guess it was a Sunday, the yard is so empty of activity.
John Dews