London North Western
Midland Junction Railway
LMS Route: Birmingham West Suburban Railway
Bournville Shed: mrb683
This panoramic colour photo of the engine depot, showing
coal stacks ready for use, was taken on Sunday 11th March 1956. There is not
much sign of activity, with only one engine in view, probably shunting wagons
near the stacked coal. The coaling stage, the shed building and the signal box
are all shown clearly in relation to one another. Those wagons nearer the shed
would have been there for ash disposal. The shorter of the two home signals in
the background, on the right of the photo, controlled the exit from the yard,
the taller one the up main line. The main line signal in the foreground is
fitted with a white diamond on the post, indicating that the line was protected
by electrical track circuits.
John Dews