London North Western
Midland Junction Railway
LMS Route: Birmingham New Street to Nuneaton
Nuneaton Abbey Street Station: mrna46
This photograph was taken in 1957 to celebrate the station's
manicured lawn and landscaped gardens. Ex-LMS 2-8-0 Stanier class 8F No 48336
passes through the station on a Birmingham bound freight whilst a lady tenders
the prize winning borders which came First in British Railway's regional
competition covering the 'Birmingham Midland' district. The relationship
between railway staff and floral decoration has had a long and illustrious
history across the UK. It was part of the proud tradition that once typified
the railwayman's attachment to their company and pride in their place of work.
During the war many areas within the railway's property including embankments,
cuttings and gardens were planted with vegetables as part of the country's 'Dig
for Victory' campaign during the Second World War to help counter the food