London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

LMS Route: Water Orton to Walsall
Penns Station: mrp1149
Looking along the down platform from the Walsall end of
Penns station with the main building on the left. The station name board on the
left is new and carrying British Railway's London Midland Region corporate
colour scheme of dark red (maroon) background with white lettering. Examination
shows that as standard practice some of the lamp posts are carrying a British
Railways totem sign with the station name displayed. The British Railway's
colour scheme reflected the most widely used LMS colours, red and cream. The
cream was the standard BR shade used on all regions (except the North Eastern),
and the red was a dark shade similar to the original LMS colour. Cream was used
on planking and canopy valancing, with the red on ironwork, framing, doors etc.
as usual. The official specification from 1960 gives the colours as BS 381C
'Gulf Red' and 'Light Biscuit' in which case the red is brighter than the LMS
shade. The paints dried very matt, though, which lessened the impact of this
attractive livery. Poster boards were treated the same as station signs being
red with white lettering, whilst enamelled station signs carried a red which
was a darker shade.
