London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

LMS Route: Evesham to Birmingham
Salford Priors station: mrsp337a
Close up up of image 'mrsp337' showing the platform, the station
master's house and booking office and waiting rooms in greater detail. The
station master's house had its front door opening directly on to the platform,
passengers having to enter via the gate adjacent to the end of the
single-storey building. The single-storey building has two doors, the one on
the left being for the booking office and the other for the waiting room. The
light coloured box to the right of the booking office doorway housed the
station clock. Before the introduction of radio which could transmit a time
signal station clocks were kept to time by the first guard of the day. He would
use his watch, which had been checked at the departing station, to check the
clocks on all of the stations along the route and ensure station staff would
adjust the watch accordingly.
