London North Western
Midland Junction Railway
LMS Route: Birmingham New Street to Tamworth
Tamworth High Level Station: mrthl127
Midland Railway double framed 0-6-0 No 2846 is seen shortly
before the grouping of 1923, at rest in the company's goods yard at Tamworth.
The crew are clearly aware of the photographer, who would have been using a
tripod. The engine was allocated to Burton-on-Trent, and is seen as rebuilt
with Johnson round top boiler & Deeley rounded eaves cab. Subsequently it
was rebuilt by the LMS with a Fowler 'G6' Belpaire boiler, in which form it
survived long enough to be allotted a BR number, though this was never carried.
Dates & details of the engine's history can be found with image 'mrb1'.
John Dews