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LMS Route: The Shakespeare Route

Fenny Compton Station: smjfc16

Looking towards Byfield with the GWR goods yard and cattle dock on the left and the points for the exchange sidings

Looking towards Byfield and the points for the exchange sidings with the GWR goods yard and cattle dock on the left circa 1951. From left to right; the GWR yard and cattle dock, the SMJ boundary fence (original by the look of it!), the exchange siding shunt signal and starter to Byfield, the facing points from the Up SMJ into the exchange sidings, the trailing connection off the Up SMJ to the yard, the Down loop and a smouldering embankment. Lineside fires were a regular feature during the days of steam during hot summer spells. In this instance the fire is on railway owned property but on many other occasions it would be privately owned.
