London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

Soho Station
Soho station was located on the Stour Valley line and was
opened on 2nd May 1853, shortly after the line opened. Soho station was
originally by Muntz's French Walls Works, but by the later 1880s it had been
rebuilt, to the west of Soho Street. It served the eastern part of Smethwick,
and included goods sheds and sidings. The footbridge between the two platforms
can be seen sited adjacent to the road overbridge with the booking office
located at road level on the down side of the railway. A pathway ran down an
embankment from Soho Street to the up platform. Like many stations located in
heavily populated areas near to the city centre, the station attracted a large
number of passengers in the period up to the start of the twentieth century but
then rapidly lost out to public road transport. Not only were the trams and
buses more convenient being operated on routes through the populated areas, but
they were more frequent too. The decline of the station was inevitable although
it did manage to survive the Second World War and to enter into the ownership
of British Railways to be finally closed to passengers on 23rd May 1949.
