London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

The LMS Ro-Railer
The following article appeared in Railway Wonders of the
World published on 21st June 1935. Darren Kitson provides a word warning when
using archived material from such sources. He points out that most articles are
not objective assessments of the item being reviewed as they are often
published at the time of their launch and consequently the claims of
achievements and benefits are provided unchalleged by the relevant PR
Experimental Services Designed to Speed-up Travel
If a broad view is taken of the transport conditions of most
civilized countries having the usual road and railway facilities, it must be
agreed that the road motor vehicle, whether it is used for passenger carrying
or for goods conveyance, has some definite advantages over the rail vehicle. It
is not limited to a single track between two fixed stations. The motor vehicle
can carry its loads over a network of roads from door to door, without the
necessity of transhipment. Further, its use is generally independent of any
other ordinary road traffic, and it can start at any convenient time without
affecting other road services. The railway goods or passenger vehicle, on the
other hand, must keep to its own track and also to a timetable arranged to keep
the track clear at certain specified times only. Moreover, the railway station
or goods depot is often a considerable distance from the destination of the
passenger or goods, and some supplementary form of transport becomes necessary.
With goods traffic, the usual procedure is to load the goods intended for
transit on to a motor lorry, convey these to the railway depot, and unload them
on to the railway trucks or vans. After reaching the nearest station or depot
on the railway line the goods must be unloaded from the railroad on to another
motor vehicle, conveyed along the roads to their destination and then unloaded
once more This method of goods conveyance not only involves an appreciable loss
of time in transit, but also necessitates two loadings and unloadings, with the
added risk ot damage during these processes ; moreover, it necessarily adds to
the cost of transport.
In view of these disadvantages it might be thought that to
use the railway at all is a doubtful policy where small quantities of freight
of, say, two to four tons are concerned, when the goods could be conveyed from
door to door without employing the railway. The answer to this is that in
partly developed districts, and in areas where the roads are either bad or are
congested, it is very much quicker to send goods by rail. The speeds employed
on railways are normally much higher than those on the roads. For long distance
work, also, the advantages of rail transit are indisputable ; moreover, the
transit costs are lower. In many undeveloped or partly developed countries
there is generally a railway joining the main towns or industrial areas, and a
network of roads leading to the railway stations and depots but there are few
long distance main roads And it is here that the railway scores over the road
vehicle ; for the latter cannot be used without suitable roads. From these
considerations it seems that in its own sphere of operation the motor road
vehicle and the railway vehicle each possesses definite advantages.
With a knowledge of these facts it is not surprising that
transport engineers have considered the possibility of designing a new type of
vehicle that will combine the advantages of each type while avoiding its
drawbacks. After a careful study of this problem, combined with a good deal of
research work, a suitable vehicle, known as a "road-railer," has been evolved.
This can run equally well on either the road or the railway track. It can thus
begin its journey by road from the loading place to the nearest railway
station, and then transfer to the railway lines, becoming for the being a
rail-coach. At the end of its railway journey it is once again transferred from
the railway track to the road and thence driven off, just as any other motor
vehicle, to its destination. It may be of interest to point out some of the
more important uses of this combination vehicle. Its particular application is
on branch lines and, especially, on those branch lines where towns and villages
lie some distance from the railway. Passengers or goods may be taken on at any
convenient place, wherever there is a suitable road. New or partly developed
districts lying some distance from the railway can thus benefit materially from
the use of the road-railer. Further, the possibility of using this vehicle for
week-end and other abnormal traffic must not be overlooked. Road congestion,
leading to both slow and dangerous travel, has often created a problem which
this new type of vehicle at once solves. Both types of vehicle-passenger and
goods-can be attached to trains, with the added advantage that they can be
detached when required to proceed to their destinations as ordinary road
Apart from its advantages to the railway authorities, the
road-railer may be used in various Government services. Its utility in
countries where, during certain periods of the year, the rains are so heavy
that the roads become impassable, will undoubtedly be recognized, for it will
then be possible for journeys to be made over the permanent way. On the other
hand, should a portion of the track be destroyed, or under repair, it is then
possible to divert the road-railer on to the road and return it later to the
track at the other side of the part which is out of commission. It may even be
an advantage to use the vehicle over long distances by rail, and then to cut
across country and afterwards connect up with another railway, without having
to unload and transfer the goods, as must be done with conventional vehicles.
Perhaps the greatest advantage of the road-railer for use in developed
countries, such as Great Britain, is the rapidity and economy with which
passengers and goods can be transported over medium and longer distances, from
sources and to destinations remote from the railway station.
From the point of view of the passenger service, the low
tractive effort necessary to propel the vehicle on the rail results in much
lower running costs, due to the reduced fuel consumption and absence of
pneumatic tyre wear ; this should involve lower passenger fares. Again, when on
the railway track the road-railer is capable of travelling, with safety, at
higher speeds than it can attain on the roads ; thus, with the Karrier
road-railer speeds up to sixty miles an hour are well within the engine's
capacity. Further, it is much safer and easier to drive a road-railer on the
railway lines than on the roads, for there are practically no obstructions on
railway lines. From the point of view of the passenger's comfort, the
road-railer has the advantage, well-known to users of motor-coaches, of
combining first-class seating with third-class fares. Again, where the railway
is the shorter distance between two towns, a certain amount of time is saved.
As a goods vehicle the road-railer not only avoids duplicate loading and
unloading, but also, owing to the lower fuel costs on the railway track, and to
the absence of tyre wear, proves to be more economical than other types of road
The LMS Karrier Road-Railer
The various advantages outlined above are embodied in the
Karrier road-railer about to be described. This vehicle represents the results
of over two years' experimental work. The first production model was delivered
to the London, Midland and Scottish Railway. It was in the form of a twenty-six
seat passenger coach, and complied with the Ministry of Transport's
Regulations, as well as those of the railway authorities. Large capacity
double-deck passenger vehicles can also be built. The range of road-railer
freighters is from 30 cwt. to 8 tons, if complying with the Ministry of
Transport's Regulations, but for service abroad they are available from 30 cwt.
to 20 tons. The vehicle which ran experimentally on the LMS. is fitted with a
six-cylinder petrol engine of the usual commercial motor-vehicle design, rated
at 37.2 hp, It has a wheel-base of 17 feet 1 inch, and road wheel track of 6
feet 3½ inch The rail track is the standard 4 feet 8½ in. gauge.
The transmission has a top-gear ratio of 7 to 1 for road use, and 4.2 to 1 for
the railway track. These ratios give maximum speeds on the road and rail of 60
and 75 m.p.h., respectively. The petrol consumption on the road is 8 miles per
gallon ; on the railway track it is 16 miles per gallon. The total weight of
the vehicle, unloaded, is 7 tons 2 cwts ; 3 tons are allowed for the weight of
the passengers, staff, and luggage.
The following is the method employed in this ingenious car
for converting the wheels from the pneumatic road type to the steel-flanged
railway pattern. Flanged rail wheels are fitted to the vehicle's axles ; on the
outside of these are placed pneumatic-tyred road wheels, each of which is
mounted on eccentrics fitted to an axle extension through the rail wheel. When
on the road, the road wheels are locked concentrically to the rail wheels,
which, being of smaller diameter, are quite clear of the road. The wheel
changing operation is as follows. For road to rail transference, the
"road-railer" is driven on to the rails at any place where the road has been
made up level to the rail tops. Then, with the rail wheels directly over the
lines, it is driven forward a few yards until it reaches a point where the
made-up road is tapered off. The rail wheels now gradually come into contact
with the rails, and take the weight of the machine off its road wheels. The
road wheels, which are mounted on an eccentric device, are then raised above
rail level by the action of the driver, who rotates them on their eccentrics
and locks them to the chassis frame by means of a pin. The road wheels,
therefore, do not rotate when the vehicle is moving on the rails. The
"change-over" operation is, of course, reversed when returning to the road.
The same principle holds good for both the front and rear
wheels of the vehicle. The components are generally interchangeable on all four
wheels. Two eccentrics per wheel are employed in this particular design, which
enables as much lift to be obtained as is allowable by the wheel rim diameter.
The operation of lifting a wheel of the necessary dimensions requires little
manual effort. Further, when the road wheel is in a lifted position there is
only one bearing in the mechanism which possesses any velocity relative to the
main hub. In other words, all the road wheel mechanism remains stationary while
the road wheel is out of action. The rear wheels are driven by a propeller
shaft in the same way as an orthodox road vehicle, and the drive is cut off
from the road wheels by disconnecting two pins which are utilized to secure the
road wheels in an eccentric position to the slipper block structure. This
structure-one for each wheel-is a device which provides support for the road
wheels in their raised position while permitting vertical relative movement
between the axle and the frame when the vehicle is on the rail. The structure
is hinged in two places, and folds into the body when the vehicle is used on
the road. It also offers, due to its radius from the centre of the axle, the
required resistance to overcome the static friction between the wheel hub and
the inner eccentric bearing. There is no load either on this slipper block
structure or on the pins, except that immediately required to overcome static
friction between the inner bearing of the inner eccentric and the driving hub
when beginning to move on the rail. The pins, however, are of ample dimensions,
for they are the medium through which the road wheel drive is taken when the
vehicle is running on the road.
It is impossible to insert these pins in the wrong position
when raising the road wheels, as the horn block slipper covers up the driving
pin hole which is not required and exposes the one into which the pin is to be
inserted. The construction of the horn block slipper is unique. It has in its
body an automatic lock which prevents the pins from becoming loose when any
small vibration is experienced. While this object is satisfactorily achieved,
the construction is such that with a minimum of effort, applied sharply, these
pins may easily be withdrawn. A similar device is incorporated on the driving
hub flange when the pins are inserted for road work. Very long pins ensure that
the drive is distributed over wide centres, and their diameter is such as to
render wear on the pin bearings highly improbable, on account of the small
intensity of pressure to which they will be subjected. When the road wheels are
driving, the rail wheels also are revolving, the connection being made through
the outer portion of the hub end which is keyed on a taper to form a connection
between the hub and the driving wheel. The wheel bearings are of the adjustable
taper roller type. Another interesting feature is the adoption of the
Lang-pattern laminated wood wheel, which possesses both resilience and
exceptional strength, and assists greatly in the elimination of track noise.
Detachable and renewable steel tyres are employed on these wheels.
As the vehicle runs up to the rail it is impossible to
guarantee the position that the driving pins of the road wheel will occupy in
relation to the holes in the slipper block. Provision is therefore made whereby
the inner eccentric may be positioned in relation to the slipper block. Having
established this position it then becomes necessary to ensure the correct
relationship between the inner and outer eccentrics. For this reason two slots
are provided in the inner eccentric into which the single plunger may operate.
After the position of the inner eccentric is located the wheel may be swung
round the periphery of that portion of the mechanism. And, when the outer
eccentric has assumed its correct radial position in relation to the inner
eccentric, the plunger, which has previously been withdrawn automatically from
its original slot, now becomes engaged with. a slot. This slot has been
correctly positioned by its relation with the lower slipper-block pin. This
ensures that the two pin holes are in line one with the other, and also in a
correct relationship with the holes in the slipper block. It will be seen,
therefore, that it is impossible to swing the outer eccentric past its correct
centre. The condition is now one in which the inner eccentric is prevented from
rotating by the lower pin, while rotational movement of the outer eccentric is
also prevented by the upper pin and the spring plunger. It should be made
perfectly clear, however, that the two pins substituted in the slipper block
are in a position which definitely has disconnected all the drive from the hub
to the road wheel of the vehicle in question.
The chassis of the road-railer generally follows
conventional commercial vehicle practice. The gear-box, however, is provided
with an additional over-speed arrangement to permit of a higher top gear (4.2
to 1), when travelling on the railway, than that used on the road (7 to 1). The
braking system serves equally well for both road and rail operation ; on the
railway, of course no skidding is possible when the brakes are applied. The
vehicle may be stopped in a very short distance from speeds of forty to fifty
miles an hour without the danger of wheel-lock. The tractive effort is ample,
and permits the towing of other vehicles. The rear rail wheels are provided
with sanding gear. Buffers are provided at both front and rear, special
supports for these being anchored to the main chassis frame. There is also a
spare wheel carrier fitted at the rear of the chassis. This is mounted on
rollers, and it slides automatically to the ground upon release of the
attachment fittings. Automatic lubrication is arranged for all the working
members of the chassis.
The LMS Ro-Railer
The following article was originally published in Stratford
upon Avon Transport Notes - Volume 02/04 by J R Jennings SMJR line
I have been researching and lecturing on the Stratford upon
Avon and Midland Junction Railway for over forty years. It is incredible how
many times I am asked about the Ro-Railer. This vehicle only served
in revenue service for a few weeks. It has taken on almost mythical status and
although it deserves a place in history its main contribution to Stratford is
that it put the station at Old Town and the LMS railway as an alternative route
clearly in front of a much wider public than it had ever previously enjoyed.
Not since the days of the Harvard special trains in the pre-Great
War era did so many people crowd onto the 'other' Stratford station as on the
morning of 23rd April 1932. I estimate that more photos were taken of the
Ro-Railer (and certainly more survive) than of any other ex-SMJR line subject.
If only the unique Fairlie engine had enjoyed similar status! This short volume
has been edited over the years as new data has come to light. It draws together
information that appears in many sources elsewhere.
The Stratford upon Avon and Midland Junction Railway and the
LMS Railway that took it over in 1923 made various attempts over the years to
offer a through connection between Stratford and London. The rival GWR route
with a change at Leamington Spa was longer than either the Stratford -
Marylebone or Stratford - Euston possibilities that existed using the SMJ
route. In the early 1900s a through service was provided by a coach that was
worked over the SMJ line before being attached to a Great Central Railway
London service at Woodford. This involved the coach being 'trip worked' from
Byfield to Woodford and back. Its progress over the SMJ line to Stratford was
slow because it was attached to a normal all stations stopping train. The
Railway 'grouping' of 1923 put the Great Central Railway in the LNER camp with
the SMJ becoming part of the LMSR. This really ended any future cooperation on
through coaches via Woodford. The 'gateway' from the SMJ line to London had
always been via Woodford because when the GCR London extension was built the
need to generate traffic was paramount and the layout at Woodford took account
of interchange traffic with the SMJR. The LMS could direct traffic to its West
Coast Main Line at either Blisworth or Roade. The connection at Roade had never
been fully utilized even for freight but the interchange at Blisworth was one
of the better used parts of the ex SMJ system and although passengers would
need to walk through to the main platforms a reasonable connection to the
capital could be achieved. The authors of the various books on the SMJ have
never effectively explored why the Roade connection was not developed for
passenger through traffic. In mileage terms it was very attractive but the most
plausible explanation is that the LMS (and LNWR before it) did not want to stop
express trains at a relatively unimportant station to attach/detach through
coaches of dubious commercial benefit to them. Some authors have suggested that
the track layout at Roade dating from the 1840s and the lack of a shunting
engine at all times were also considerations.
During the 1920s competition from road transport was
becoming a big problem for all of the railway companies and they explored ways
of cutting costs and developing new traffic on loss making lines. The LMS were
aware that Stratford upon Avon was an increasingly important destination with
the attractions of the 'new' theatre and their own investment in the Welcombe
Hotel. Ways of providing a passenger service of reasonable journey time were
considered and it was decided to trial a new concept of vehicle that could run
on both rail and road. If successful this would have great potential to win
traffic for lightly used lines. In the case of the Stratford service it would
be possible to convey passengers and their luggage directly to and from the
Welcombe Hotel via the SMJ line as far as Blisworth where with just one change
of train they would be conveyed directly to Euston. The journey time would be
enhanced by the vehicle running non-stop from Blisworth to Stratford although
the constraints of a difficult single track line often meant waits at Towcester
and Kineton.
The LMS Ro-Railer UR7924 was ordered by the LMS carriage
division at Wolverton in Feb 1931. The supplier Karrier Motors of Huddersfield
was a surprise to some as they were running down their bus production having
earned a poor reputation for reliability in the 1920s. The chassis was a
standard Karrier Chaser powered by a 6 cylinder engine with a maximum rating of
120hp. The Chaser was the last serious bus design by Karrier. The body was
built by Cravens to their B26C design and featured 14 front facing seats in the
forward vestibule and 12 longitudinal seats in the rear smoking saloon. Luggage
space was provided on the roof or by folding up some of the seats in the rear
vestibule. It weighed 7 tons 2 cwt and was fitted with railway sanding gear,
lamp irons and emergency drawgear for locomotive haulage. Loco haulage was
limited to 20 mph although apart from the presumed rescue on its demise there
is no record of loco haulage taking place. The pneumatic road wheels and
traditional flanged rail wheels were mounted on a manually set eccentric
arrangement and could be switched from road to rail in under five minutes by
one man whilst the vehicle stood over a sleepered crossing. The technical
arrangements are dealt with fairly comprehensively in most of the books that
have been published about the ex-SMJR line.
After delivery and acceptance at Wolverton it was put on
trial on the Hemel Hemstead Harpenden branch where it was photographed
in late 1931 by H C Casserley. In an attempt to gain publicity the LMS decided
to allocate this first experimental vehicle to the ex SMJ section and the
service was launched at Stratford upon Avon on 23rd April 1932. This is an
important day for the town as it is the birthday of William Shakespeare and
there would be many influential people and pressmen around on the day. As
previously mentioned the LMS had converted a mansion at Welcombe into a Hotel
and the Ro-Railer was charged with conveying passengers directly to it without
the need to transfer themselves or their luggage at the railway station. There
was a minor skirmish with an omnibus company who held the local carriage
license and objected to the LMS in effect providing a service on their
territory although they did not offer a route from Stratford LMS to the
Welcombe hotel! This was resolved by the LMS agreeing to charge a flat rate
fare of sixpence (6d) for any intermediate fare stage if passengers were picked
up in the town. There were few takers.
The Ro-Railer suffered from the same problems as many early
road bus conversions to rail in that it was too light for efficient rail
adhesion particularly on a line like the ex SMJ which had the gradient profile
of a switchback. It struggled to maintain progress uphill and was then driven
hard on the downhill to compensate. (The author experienced a very similar
vehicle still in use in Chile in 1993 and the ride qualities were not for the
faint hearted!) The lack of effective suspension and springing meant that the
hammer blow from rail joints and crossings was transmitted to both machinery
and occupants. Early failure of some vital part was inevitable and after a few
weeks of operation the Ro-Railer broke a front axle component whilst in service
near Byfield. It was removed to Wolverton and never used again as a rail
vehicle although the fact that its road registration was renewed for a number
of years after suggests disposal for use as a road vehicle. The LMS did have
plans to order more including goods/passenger convertible versions for branch
line use. These plans were abandoned by virtue of a short minute at an LMS
board meeting in late 1932.
In view of its novelty and the launch on 23rd April there
is a wealth of photographic material of the vehicle. In addition to the railway
coverage the odd shot of it on the streets of Stratford keeps coming to light
as residents come forward with a photograph taken by a relative of this
'unusual vehicle' as the local paper had described it. Apart from Casserley's
efforts not too many photos of it exist outside of the Stratford area or in any
other SMJ l ine station. The launch of the service drew a large gathering of
contemporary railway enthusiasts many of who can be seen in the photographs
that have been well published over the years. Some cine films of the vehicle
have survived and at least one copy is held in the archive collection
administered by Rob Foxon of Leicester.
One Ro-Railer story that has recently surfaced was that it
was alleged to have been sent out to substitute for an unavailable loco and
coach on the Stratford - Broom Junction scheduled service one day. The
turntable at Broom was unavailable (the East to West connection forming a
triangle was 10 years in the future) so the Ro-Railer returned backwards!
The above article was originally published in Stratford
upon Avon Transport Notes -Volume 02/04 by J R Jennings SMJR line
The Ro-Railer being presented by Lord Stamp
The Ro-Railer being tested on road and rail
The Ro-Railer's wheel change and technical information
